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To attract Millennial Readers by applying These 6 Tips! Already an open secret that the largest number of internet users comes fro...

To attract Millennial Readers by applying These 6 Tips!

Already an open secret that the largest number of internet users comes from millennial societies. Yes, these young people do so much activity in the virtual world. Started from the funnel hobby, extending connections, to search for information, all so easy to do with the internet, a good fit with the character of young people who do not want to be difficult.

Therefore, do not be surprised if the readers of digital content are also largely coming from the millennial. The bloggers certainly also have to realize that they are the largest market share for you, isn't it? Well, if so let's find out how to hook the readers of your blog so that millennial followup.

Serve information would be something real

Young men tend to hate on devised. Rather than giving advice on this, it should be done, the millennial will normally be more interested if you offered a unique fact then accompanied with the explanation.

For example, if you want to make a piece of writing about a figure inspiring, not just explain what characters need to be owned by a figure like that. A more efficacious way is to cut a character of a popular figure among new and inspiring characteristics provide information from these figures one by one.

Speak with a relaxed and natural

Millennial readers also famous relaxed style. Therefore, the submission of information that is not stiff would be suitable for them. Therefore, to use the vernacular could be the right choice for you. Because of the language as it will be easier to digest and fun to read.

Next, try to explicate what you want to convey naturally. No need to elaborate, just simple. Anyway, they are also not fans with content that is too long. Too adamant to present an amazing content will only make thy writings so suspicious. So, serve with moderate proportion.

Take advantage of the Breakthrough and innovation

If you are aware of a people that love the millennial's latest breakthrough? Once there is a booming culinary innovation, all flocked to want to try. There is a new feature being launched on social media, they will flock to use it to download the tag from friends yet. One person tried vlogging, hundreds of other young men join the make a vlog.

Well, similar things are also happening among millennial readers. Therefore, try offering breakthrough/latest innovations for them, for example by impacting the new platforms of interest, such as messaging applications are indeed famous loved young people. Especially if you managed to find a platform that hasn't been exploited many competitors, you get a chance so greater attention from the millennial!

Share Content Tips and tutorials

Again, because of his character that will not difficult, millennial readers love it if life is made easy. Rather than try and itself without knowing anything, usually, they tend to be looking for tips that could help advance.

A similar case also happened on the content of the tutorial. Sometimes, the mere reading or listening to instructions not enough to make you understand about what to do. Rather than hard thinkers, usually among millennial would prefer to seek his tutorials in order to get a much clearer picture.

Established Relationships with the Influencers

Know, right, if the House really hype it same millennial act committed by the influencers? So, why don't you take advantage? Wake up the connection with the influencers to get the reader's attention to the millennial!

Talk to them

If you want to please the reader of the millennial, the most powerful way to find out what they want to be sure is to speak directly with them. Speak directly with them can make you easier to discuss things that usually do not appear by just do it virtually.

Therefore, try to take some time for the face to face and exchange ideas with them. Point out your purpose and let them give you Perspectives. That way, you can better understand the mindset as well as what they want. If you've got it, you ever so can cultivate strategic considerations that information to you in the future.

How? If the above tips quite helpful to enlighten you in devising strategies to hook the reader millennial? In fact, anyone you market share, you need to do is find out and offer what the need or interest in them.

So, if you want to explore other things that can make them interested, search for the first second it for you make consideration of the next strategy. If you have any other tips that have not been reviewed above, don't hesitate to share it in the comments field.

You can do this by asking the willingness of an influencer to disturb in your article or review their activities in an event that was attended. Be thankful you can establish the relation is continuous with the influencers to promote the blog.

5 An Important Stage That Must Be Traversed By The New Blog. You have the interest to write but don't have a blog? Or did alre...

5 An Important Stage That Must Be Traversed By The New Blog.

You have the interest to write but don't have a blog? Or did already have the desire to create a blog, but confused about how to start? Don't need to be prolonged, confused things such as it do in natural by novice bloggers.

Well, to help strengthen your motivation at the same time, the AMAZONER wanted to share some stage of blogging which is typically traversed a blogger newbie before the blog can be large and read a lot of people.

Curious what stages? Please find the answers below:

1. Determine the right Blogging Platform

There are so many blogging platforms that can be chosen by you who are planning to make a new blog. You can choose the services provided by Blogger, Wix, or even a Tumblr. However, the most recommended is WordPress.

Each has unique characteristics and how different usage. Although diverse, the majority of the platforms offer a way to user-friendly, so it's easy for you to learn on my own.

While WordPress alone to be recommended because it allows many customizations and increased functionality. In between, you can install _ SEO tools or Google Analytics to support the performance of your blog.

2. Strengthen the identity of the Blog through Design

After determining the appropriate platform of taste you, the next step is to set the look of the blog. Although the look of the blog is not the main thing indeed, the look of cool can be a characteristic that makes the reader remember your blog.

There are many blog designs that you can use for free on the internet. Don't hurt too when you learn a little bit of how to customize the look of the blog so that you have a uniqueness that was born from the results of vintage items.

3. Select the appropriate Blog Niche

Many bloggers who thought the senior niche is one of the most important things in maintaining the blog. Niche landing will provide content such as what you produce, as well as give an overview for the reader of the article what they will encounter in your blog.

In the long run, having a niche also makes your blog more attractive in the eyes of the brand. Because it means you have a segment of the blog readers a clear and purposeful. If someday the number of readers you have to grow, it will be easy for you to blog monetization by working with the brand.

4. Release the first article

This is her moment in waiting for the blogger beginner, that published the results of the writing for the first time. Do not hurry to publish the first writing you. Make sure it is free of typo and punctuation are obvious. This is important so that in the future you are accustomed to writing neatly.

In addition, do not overload the first writing you in the hope of being too grandiose. Manage blogs and writing is a process. During you consistent, quality writing you will be the better, and the number of readers you will continue to grow. So, enjoy the process of course.

5. Hook the loyal readers

It is at this stage that takes discipline and patience because it can not instant. You need to be consistently producing articles of interest or entertain the reader so don't get to visit again.

Don't be lazy as well for the blog walking to another blog and leave a comment there. This is one way that is quite effective to increase the exposure of your blog and the transition from a number of readers.

Bloggers who are already successful and famous pun definitely initiate blogging career from scratch. There are Not great which is instant, so when you are still in the early phase of blogging, don't minder or even trigger loss of morale. Thus, you can make a blogger success as motivation.

Enjoy every process and learning that you are going through, no need to hurry to be able to have a lot of readers in the early phases of your blog. Focus to consistently produce quality content, and market your blog with a variety of creative ways that you can do. If you're already used to doing that, within a few months you've started can feel the benefits of blogging, and blog you ever became known. So, happy blogging!.

Characteristics of food contain Formalin you need to Beware - Formaldehyde is a type of preservatives for foodstuffs and nowadays man...

Characteristics of food contain Formalin you need to Beware - Formaldehyde is a type of preservatives for foodstuffs and nowadays many once criticized that foods containing formalin are dangerous. There are some people who abuse to preserve foods for sale in order not to spoil. Maybe for the short term is not seen but very impact on health in the long term.

To anticipate whether those foods contain formaldehyde or not then we need to know. A characteristic feature of the food contains formalin we can see ranging from color to the texture of the food itself. Not many people know about it and prefer the food looks fresh but do not know if the food contains formaldehyde.

In this article will not discuss further consequences arising if consuming food containing formalin continuously. You would already know about it because formalin is dangerous for health. To anticipate we must understand what kind of foods containing formalin, the following explanation.

The characteristic feature of the food contains Formaldehyde

1. Fish and Seafood

Fish is a food ingredient that almost any time we buy either on the market or on the pitchman. Fish is a food with a protein content that is easily damaged. So if in a few days the fish does not smell and the color is dark red then ensured the fish formalin. The mothers do not be fooled with fresh fish, but the fish that formaldehyde notice or not.

Besides the fish formalin white clean and sometimes have the chewy meat. There is a simple way to test whether fish that contain formaldehyde or not. You simply give a piece of fish to the cat. Cats love fish but if it contains Formaldehyde so fish won't eat though forced.

2. Chicken

The chicken into a favorite meal at home either fried or cooked in soups. Be careful if you buy a chicken that looks clean, there are no flies around the chicken seller. The animals just don't want to approach let alone we human beings. To detect you can see whether the chicken it's durable or not in the next few days.

The easiest chicken that we compare with formalin which is not formaldehyde that is the color of the chicken. Containing formaldehyde white Net, textures on the chicken somewhat toned and it is definitely quite pungent formaldehyde odor. You can buy fresh red colored chicken and if you want more secure chicken coop to buy direct.

3. Tofu

Tofu into groceries in addition to the vegetable mixture can also be fried and eaten with a spicy chili sauce. If your fans from tofu then need to know what kind of bean curd are good for health. Tofu is good and does not contain Formaldehyde that is easily destroyed and certainly damaged if left a couple of days.

Different if it contains formaldehyde so Tofu looks good and chewy. Tofu will not easily be destroyed and can last several days to the fore though not stored in a refrigerator. There are some pretty pungent formaldehyde odor and a more definite again there will be no longer the typical aroma of soy. If you get it then start tomorrow don't buy at the venue again.

4. Wet Noodles

Wet noodle is very popular for food especially my favorite Fried noodles. There are several ways to find out if the noodles contain Formaldehyde or not. This way is quite simple so you can check yourself because it's so different from the wet noodle that does not contain Formaldehyde. That way you will awake from a dangerous food ingredient.

Wet noodle containing formaldehyde that has characterized the noodles look shiny like the rub in the oil. Noodles look supple and not easy to disconnect, not sticky and can last up to 2 days without being stored in a refrigerator. In addition, there is the smell of formaldehyde which is quite strong, so a wet Noodle like this you need to beware and don't try to consume.

5. Salted fish

Stockfish is dried fish and salt. Salted fish containing formaldehyde is usually not damaged even though stored outside for a month. In addition look clean, bright and distinctive smell of stockfish is absent. The more easily we know is salted fish is not in resting animals flies though placed out in the open.

Many people do not know this because the salted fish is certainly quite durable though not in keep in a cool place (Refrigerator). My other fish that many made salty fish is fish Cork or Borneo island local people call it the haruan fish. Because a lot of the fish then many were made into salted fish.

6. Meatballs

Who doesn't love the meatballs, until recently the meatballs are one of my favorite foods, To find out if the meatballs contain formaldehyde or not let us refer to the following explanation. This knowledge so that we do not buy meatballs carelessly, if already know then you can avoid not to buy.

Characteristics of meatballs containing Formaldehyde include: Meatball is not broken until almost 1 week although placed on the outside of the refrigerator. The texture on the Meatball is very springy and there is some pretty pungent Formaldehyde odor. The color is whiter because of a safe color greyish meatballs. You can also try it out by throwing it on the floor when bouncing then the meatballs contain Formaldehyde.

That's some of the characteristics of its food ingredients contain Formaldehyde. Care about your health carefully choosing foods so that your life in the future is always healthy. If it finds the food like that please you lose, don't pity any word with the food but you don't sweetheart with health.

9 Position The Right Google Adsense Ads, So That Results Can Be Much - Put the right Adsense ad positioning could earn outside income...

9 Position The Right Google Adsense Ads, So That Results Can Be Much - Put the right Adsense ad positioning could earn outside income of our analysis. How can that happen and anywhere the placement of Adsense ads on your blog or web, Previous put up huge billboards AdSense ads above the posting blogs and Ads float in left and right. Why ads that I remove all and I did substitute for this type of advertising in certain positions.

The latest Google algorithms policy Fred 2018 describes a large number of Adsense ad positioning which is not effective. Want to pursue income but it could badly performance blog. Without long thinking straight I remove all the ads that display blocking my blog too. Especially a large Billboard advertising and advertising floated left and right.

In addition to AdSense ad placement position the right Adsense ad types also turned out to be quite a big role. As I say it used to be that Responsive in the Header that has a value of CPC. Although the click a little but its worth once I get reach $3 per click. By that reason these ads I show even though it was awful in the view if the view it via the smartphone or android phone.

This time will share some tips on proper installation of Adsense ads complete with this type of advertising. Once I did this it turns out 100% of my income changed today. Everything doesn't believe if not tried it myself. I chose to experiment yourself continuously compared to believe in someone because this type of articles every blog is different.

9 Position the right Adsense ads

1. Ads are responsive in the Header

The header is the top position of a blog. If we install that ads then its position next to the title and description of the blog. When viewed using computers or desktop looks pretty good but if we see using mobile it looks less attractive due to its size becomes small and attached to the blog title. Look to it that disturbed but for the sake of high CPC I remain willing to put it up. Please select the type of Image and text ads which are Responsive.

2. Link ads in the link above the title of the article

This new ad one day I plug to replace the position of a large billboard advertising and advertising that drifted left and right. The results unpredictably after I checked last night how shocked Adsense earnings increased 2-fold. That's because the value of CPC's influence rises and the number of clicks also increased by about 20%. It looks else bothering because above the main post image but because the result is different then this position will maintain.

3. Ad size 336 x 280 above post

Image and text ad units 336 x 280 it's the first time I put it after reading some blog post neighbour. This size is pretty good info because of quite a lot of advertisers who want to display their products at the size of this ad. I tried the placement on the left side of the early writings or rather advertising articles blog under the heading adjusting the left and right turned out to make the look of the blog more interesting. No matter the outcome helped raise earnings.

4. Advertisements responsive to the middle of posting

Why I choose this type of ad is responsive in the middle of posting blogs. If we look at using the computer display advertising is very small and long. Not interesting to click but if we see using mobile it looks pretty cool. Size to be big and sometimes more unsightly. About 80% of my blog visitors come from a smartphone then I skip it used to display the desktop. Just look if look at the display of the Phone like the picture above. Most people like the Article posted an ad In-but once I learn the displayed ads sometimes do not fit (advertising language of United Kingdom) and in the look less attractive.

5. Link ads a lot of bunk at the 5 end of an article 

Link ads link to 5 stacking this already I preserve long enough and will keep my install. The right position is indeed under the blog post because if we have an article on click download then it is likely quite large. In addition, advertising links have a precision fit with the content of the article than any other advertising sometimes advertising displays game or strange. Great blogs such as WikiHow also retained many links Link Ads.

6. In-Feed Advertising Ad Image Above before ad Matched Content

In-Feed Ads is a new type of advertising that is supposed to be on show on the front page or home page of the blog. Well, this time I put Matched with advertising Content so that it looks like related articles. It turns out that CPC advertising is good enough, almost every day on the top $1 for the blog mix while other types of ads an average of under $1. In addition, it looks definitely great, responsive and sometimes forms ad display images only.

7. Advertising Content in Match activate

For ads that are on this Content not Matched, I recommend activating because the value of CTR is quite small. Sometimes it can under $0.1 but sometimes big too. For you which has quite a lot of visitors that traffic could in turn on because it could help raise the CTR (Click Through Rate). Although small if the number of clicks a lot of pretty well.

8. Ad size 300 × 600 in addition to posting Blog

Make sticky Adsense ads on the side of the blog with a size of 300 x 600 is quite popular. Almost every blog put ads to display ads because the size is quite interesting. Moreover, if the blog article that discusses the game. Just look at the advertisements that appear quite cool. Well for this ad I think is mediocre results but can beautify the look of the blog. But will attract the attention of visitors using this ad because the Desktop will continue to be visible even though the article at the bottom.

9. Advertising Page Level Ads

The Top-level Page ads Ads only appear in smartphones just this pretty cool and mandatory buddy pairs. View only if you visit the blog using the Smartphone certainly there are ads that remain appear above or below the screen Smartphone and remain silent while you read the article down. There are also advertisements that appear full screen there is a close button ad and this happened when you open other articles using a mobile phone.

That's the 9 position Adsense ads and could raise income easily. If you still doubt me please with an explanation in his own practice. But keep in mind that every blog has a different article type. So you try to continue until mandatory position and the right types of ads. Moreover, do not forget Adsense Ad Setting Balance 70%. Good luck.

How to advertise Page Level Ads latest 2018 through Auto Ads  -  Before there was a menu of Auto Ads on Adsense ad dashboard a menu Pa...

How to advertise Page Level Ads latest 2018 through Auto Ads Before there was a menu of Auto Ads on Adsense ad dashboard a menu Page Level Ads specifically appear on Smartphone (Android Phones). Some are asking how do I display ads the Mobile version that appears below or above the screen HP. These ads remain silent even though we are reading that article. In addition when click one of the other articles will appear full-screen Mobile advertising with the close button ads.

The question some friends on Facebook that I answer through this article reviews so that you easily implement it. If the first Level Page to display ads Ads Mobile version do not need setting the setting or the selection of the type of ads on the show. Different ad units with Auto Ads where you have to choose the type of ads in the show so that the Ads can perform well.

There are some sites that recommend enabling Adsense ads Auto Ads to increase revenue. In contrast to me because the ad type if not set it will be performed at will only. Our writing sometimes results in the article being a mess. If the advertise with manual way neater and can we place the expected position?

Advertising on Auto Ads consists of:
1. Ads Text Ads Display & Responsive

2. In-feed advertising AdS

3. Ad In-article Ads

4. Matched Content

5. Ads Anchor AdS (for mobile)

6. Vignette ads AdS (for mobile)

Description: The advertisement Page Level Ads we just need to enable Advertising Ads and Anchor Vignette Ads

How to advertise Page Level Ads latest 2018 through Auto Ads

Step 1: Please log on to the dashboard and select My Adsense Ads > > Auto Ads > > before taking the ad code you must select what types of ads appear by means of click the image of the pencil.

Step 2: select the type of Overlay ads, Ads two the lowest are in enable. For the 4 ads on top off just because the ad is good we install manually.

Step 3: If you have please click SAVE and to get their ad Code please go back and look in the top right corner (SET UP AUTOMATIC AD). Click and get the code.

Step 4: install the ad code in a way to sign in to Blogger Daskboard > > Theme > > Edit HTML and code search <Head> then the paste Advertising Auto Ads right below > > Save.

Quite different is not how display ads Page Level Ads through Adsense ads Auto Ads. If you are not familiar and has never been definitely looking and feeling confused. If up here still was puzzled as you can ask questions via the comments field, the admin will gladly answer it. Good luck and best wishes for ever-increasing your Adsense earnings.

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin (symbol: BTC) is a digital currency used for payment in the system around the world. Bitcoin system works...

Bitcoin (symbol: BTC) is a digital currency used for payment in the system around the world. Bitcoin system works without any other administrative centres and banks. Bitcoin can be obtained by way of mining or mine. Bitcoin can also be exchanged for currencies of each country. The domain was registered on August 18, 2008. Satoshi Nakamoto is the one who designed the bitcoin while inventors than bitcoin. Nakamoto says that bitcoin is an opensource software and released it in January 2009.

10 facts of Bitcoin

There are so many facts about bitcoin, but I will summarize it into 10 facts bitcoin:

1. There is not a unity which controls as well as running a bitcoin.

2. The number of this limited circle, bitcoin.

3. the Bitcoin has no inherent value or attached to, the value can go up and down.

4. All transactions can be seen in General.

5. Bitcoin can be obtained by way of mining.

6. Transactions of the bitcoin cannot be reversed.

7. everyone can send money with little or no tax though.

8. Bitcoin wallet held in a digital or digital wallet.

9. There are only 21 million bitcoin around the world

10. The creator Satoshi Nakamoto still mysterious

How to obtain a bitcoin

There are so many ways to get a bitcoin:

Like traditional money you guys can get a bitcoin with buy and sell bitcoin, change does not sell and buy access with currencies in General but do so with bitcoin. You can buy the bitcoin on broker-broker. It was the same as when you purchase stocks online.

Bitcoin can also be obtained by investing, currency rates bitcoin experience to raise drastically lately, you can buy it while it's cheap and sell it when the price soared.

You guys can also get bitcoin from applications which give bitcoin with the work we do, such as watching the advertisements, surveys and others.

The last and the most phenomenal i.e. mining, or mine. For mining required budget that does little, besides the great computer device, you also need power or electrical power is strong, because when mining you will turn on your computer you guys more than 24 hours. Need to look out for the temperature on the computer when mining, because the computer will work optimally. And not just up there, solving algorithm bitcoin hard also becomes an obstacle when mining

So, that's some info on how to get it, and the bitcoin still so many interesting things in the bitcoin. And make an investment choice bitcoin bak because a rate rise and that's always the bitcoin increment it's very good, that's why the phenomenon of bitcoin is now a while. Once again, there are no results that betray efforts. Thank you.

AD Balance, in 2018 to enhance best Adsense CPC and CTR - AD Adsense Balance is a feature that is in the dashboard Google Adsense whe...

AD Balance, in 2018 to enhance best Adsense CPC and CTR - AD Adsense Balance is a feature that is in the dashboard Google Adsense where its function is to filter the types of advertisements that appear on the blog or the web. Settings or setting AD this Balance not all publishers use it because there is some effect on impact when you enable. Here www. amazoner. xyz trying to analyze and make the best Adsense AD Trial Balance 2018.

There are no maximum results if you don't try it out and continue to analyze. I've set up a Google Adsense AD Balance repeatedly and get to experience each of these experiments. Each setting percentage of AD Balance different advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, if you use one I Adsense for many blogs.

Penganalisaaan setting a percentage of Adsense AD Balance I'm trying is used by 5 blogs. 2 Blog with nice and 3 blogs that its content mix. I have to do the right settings so that every Blog has a high CPC. CTR also must be observed so that the income from Google Adsense can be increased.

Before I share the results of the Analysis I did then you should know how to setting AD Balance. Here is how easy it is because you can set it on a computer or PC, Laptop, Ipad or Android mobile phone (Smartphone). Before doing Penyettingan then you are required to have a Google Adsense account.

How to setting or set the Percentage AD Adsense Balance:
1. Sign in or Login to Your Google Adsense account
2. Select in the menu left side is My Ads > > Content > > AD Balance
3.  Please do the set percentage of AD Balance you want by way of sliding points on lines AD Fill Rate. It could be through a column of percentages to the right way to write down the number that you want to direct.
4.  Last click ALPHABETS EXPERIMENT to experiment while only. If you select APPLY then the percentage AD Balance you set FF but still can you Fox anytime.
5.  Finished and wait for the results.

If you already know the understanding and how to set up Adsense AD Balance then now consider the explanation below. All of this is purely the result of my personal experience to know the behaviour of the Adsense ads that appear on the Blog. If you only have one blog, one content and one Google Adsense account then the settings would be easier.

AD Balance 100% Without blocking a low CPC ads
Ads appear in all positions
-Low CPC Ads appearing everywhere
-Advertisement performed does not match the contents of the article
-CTR/low CTR
-Earnings day maximum