Surefire way to disable Notifications WhatsApp And Latest Telegram 2018 - Notices or notifications WhatsApp and Wire commonly used to tell the owners that there are incoming messages, but if the notification came continuously then you will be irritated instead? This notification is generally the case if you have many groups in WhatsApp or Telegram. The more groups you belong to, then it will be the more often your phone goes off with another message so that you may really need not immediately open it.
Thankfully, now you can turn off notifications on WhatsApp and Telegram. Let's see how you can close the notifications WhatsApp and Telegram so that you can see it when you want to see it at another time.
How to disable Notification on WhatsApp
How do I disable notifications WhatsApp Notifications in settings? Follow the steps below: go to the Settings and to WhatsApp > Notifications.
1. You can clear the checkbox of the conversation to deactivate all voice messages. However, this may be too redundant if you still want to get notifications from the personal message you.
2. Under the notification messages and notification groups, you will see the separate entry for options the notification tone, vibration, and pop-up notifications.
3. If you want to disable the chat group but still gives a notification message to one on one, tap the Notification tone under the notification group and set None as the sound. This will still show notifications for new messages, but will not activate your voicemail.
4. To temporarily silence the person's chat, open chat and tap the Menu button at the top right point three.
5. Select Disable notifications, and you can be silenced it for 8 hours, one week, or one year. You can also choose to display notifications while you hold it.
How to disable Notification in the Telegram
Here's how to turn off notifications in the Telegram:
1. Open Wire, slide out the left menu and open the Settings > Notifications and Sounds
2. Here, you will find a separate section similar to Notification Messages, and notification groups.
3. You can disable all notifications with a sliding panel to disable alerts.
4. Tap sounds and changes it to None to mute notifications for group chat.
5. To disable a particular chat notification, tap the Menu key three-point in the chat and select disable notifications. Select to silenced him for one hour, 8 hours, 2 days, or until you decide otherwise.
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